
We know that worrying about affording where you live, having problems with your landlord, or trying to find somewhere new to live can be very difficult.
We can help you with some of the financial worries and refer you to other teams or trusted organisations to help you when we can’t.
Affording your home
See income and benefits for help available.
If you believe you are at risk of losing your home or are homeless
Help is available for all tenants struggling with their rent, whether they are in receipt of benefits or not, including Housing Association tenants, Council tenants and those renting from a private landlord.
Help is available by contacting the Advice line on 029 2087 1071 or emailing renthelp@cardiff.gov.uk
The Housing Options and Advice teams have worked together to provide a comprehensive package for those that have accrued rent arrears or are struggling to pay their ongoing rent commitments.
Households with rent arrears will be able to apply for practical support to alleviate their arrears, as well as receiving advice about Council services that can help tackle their money pressures, such as money management and debt advice, information on benefits, grants and discounts they may be eligible for, signposting to employment and training support and more.
Tenants in need of support should contact the Adviceline on 029 2087 1071 or e mail renthelp@cardiff.gov.uk
Help for landlords
The Council is also keen to hear from landlords with tenants in rent arrears. Council services work with owners of private rented properties to provide interventions to save tenancies. Landlords can contact 029 2057 0750 or email HOCPrivateRentedSector@cardiff.gov.uk
Council Tenants
Our Welfare Liaison Team can be contacted on 029 2087 1071 and can help you with Money Advice and make a plan with you to help you afford your rent and any arrears.
Housing Association Tenants
If you rent your home from a Housing Association, they have different teams and schemes to help you manage your tenancy. See our list of partners for their contact details.
Private Rented Sector Tenants
Private landlords and agents now have to register with Rent Smart Wales which makes sure that tenancies are fair, and properties are safe. You can check the website to see if addresses and landlords are registered, before you sign a tenancy.
There is also further information and advice about renting from a private landlord alternatively contact Housing Options Centre on 02920 570 750
Help if you are struggling with your mortgage
The Housing Options Centre provide free, independent advice for households struggling to pay their mortgage or any loan secured on your home. They can also help when the mortgage or loan period has come to an end.
The team will assist with court proceedings, liaising with mortgage companies and creditors, whilst reviewing your benefits, income, and debt matters. Their primary goal is to keep you in your home.
Contact them on 029 20 570750 or email HOCMortgageDebtTeam@Cardiff.gov.uk
Looking for a new home ?
Waiting List for Social Housing (Common Waiting List) and Transfers
If you wish to join the housing waiting list or are an existing council or housing association tenant and wish to apply for a transfer, you can complete an online housing application form
Housing Online (cardiff.gov.uk) or call the Housing Enquiry line on 029 2053 7111 and choose option 1.
If you call the housing help line an application will be sent in the post and when returned you will be contacted to carry out a phone interview.
If you have a waiting list enquiry, please call the Housing Enquiry line on 029 2053 7111 and choose option 1 or email SLU-WaitingList@Cardiff.gov.uk
Community Transfers
If you are a council contract holder and wish to exchange you can complete a Community Transfer Request Form which can be obtained from one of the hubs, or by calling the housing advice line on 029 20537111.
If you’re a Housing Association contract holder you will need to speak to your housing officer in the first instance.
How much help can I get to pay my rent?
Universal Credit and Housing Benefit payments are means tested, and in most cases are based on Local Housing Allowance for private renting tenants.
Social Sector size criteria (bedroom tax) applies for most people renting from their local council or a housing association.
It’s a good idea to check how much help you may get, before making any decisions about moving, so you know you can afford your new home.
Please see Cardiff.gov.uk for more details
Finding a landlord who will accept Universal Credit
The Housing Options Centre can provide details of private sector landlords who accept benefits payments. Please contact them on 02920 570 750 or Housingoptionscentre@cardiff.gov.uk